New Thought in Management and the Spiritual Paradigm of Consciousness – M.S. Srinivasan and O.P Dani

(Published in “Charted Secretary” journal of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India) The corporate world is in a state ferment and transition. There is at present a growing group of management thinkers and leaders who are seeking for something greater than the bottomline. Among them there are some who are talking about spirituality in…

The Challenge of Execution in a Changing World–M.S.Srinivasan

(Published in VILAKSHAN, Journal of the Xavier Institute if Management, Bhubaneshwar, March-September, 2014) “Execution is the great unaddressed issue in the business world today. Its absence is the single biggest obstacle to success and the cause of most of the disappointments that are mistakenly attributed to other causes”. – Larry Bossidy and Ramcharan in “Execution:…

How to Evaluate the CEO– M.S.Srinivasan, O P Dani

(Published in “Chartered Secretary”) Synopsis (The CEO of a company has to be evaluated as rigorously and comprehensively as its other executives.   And this system of evaluation must include not only the CEO’s performance but also his or her character.  In this task, independent directors can play an important and fruitful role.) An Honest CEO…

Building the High-Performance Board-M.S. Srinivasan

What is the purpose of having the Board of Directors for a company?  Not many companies ask this fundamental question.  In most companies, the board has become passive, formal and ceremonial.  How to make the board more active and creative, which means making it into an important organ of the company that contributes positively to…

Managing Change-Emerging Perspectives-M.S. Srinivasan

(A brief review of new thinking in change-management strategies.) The old world is relatively placid and static in comparison to the new world which is hyper-dynamic, changing and competitive.  In such a fast changing environment,  effective coping with change requires three qualities: first is flexibility which means the ability to adapt quickly to the changing…